Table of Contents
The Killing Blow
- Wild magic current causes extreme resistance to injury (Among other magical effects)
- When you are down to 0 HP from any attacks (magic or melee) you go down on the ground. Count to 40 and stand up again.
- When you encounter a player on the ground you can do a killing blow (5 second count or words to that effect and a dramatic 'sword blow') to send them back to the respawn. Anyone can do this but only at people down to 0hp on the ground.
3 spell balls only each
- Fire = Fireball “Fireball” (2hp damage)
- Earth = Cleric
- Wind = Push “Push” (Pushes hit player back 10 steps.)
- Void = Lightning bolt “Lightning bolt” (3hp damage)
- Water = Freeze “Freeze” (Freezes hit player for 20 seconds, they cannot defend or move.)
Everyone else
Those without a shield can roll a d6 at the start of the game and gain wild magic (Or opt out of using wild magic. Clerics/Mages/Elementals do not roll.):
- 1-3 nothing,
- 4-6 roll again and gain the spell listed (They then can hold 1 spell ball. To cast yell the command and throw the spell ball or in the case of Buff, discard after you have buffed someone else.):
- Wild magic feedback! You lose 2 HP!!
- Buff “Buff” (1hp on top of base hp.)
- Fireball “Fireball” (2hp damage)
- Freeze “Freeze” (Freezes hit player for 20 seconds, they cannot defend or move.)
- Push “Push” (Pushes hit player back 10 steps.)
- Lightning bolt “Lightning bolt” (3hp damage)
Scenario 1
Tracking/delaying the invaders.
- Those killed with killing blow have to move to a spawn point to be resurected by a cleric.
- Defender scouts have to find the invaders in the forrest then send word to main force. They then need to delay the attackers while they move supplies back to start position. The supplies are 3 points where the defenders have 2 people to defend, you need 3 people to move supplies.
- Attackers have to wreck shit and capture supplies and move them back to their start position. Need 3 people moving the supplies.
Scenario 2
Capture points and territory like risk.
- Those killed with killing blow have to move to a spawn point.
- Attackers have to take all the points.
- Defenders have to defend the points until time is up.
Scenario 3
Base attack with lots of fireball spells etc. Balistas (big slingshots) to knock down the gate to gain access (Both defender and attackers).
- Those killed with killing blow have to move to a spawn point.
hundredswords/the_killing_blow.txt · Last modified: 2015/09/16 21:06 by