Table of Contents
Green Level Spells
The default spells that a spellcaster can use. Non-Roleplaying Players (NRPs) will only use these spells.
Name | Word Count | Used by | Type | Effect |
Fireball | 20 | Mage, Battle Mage | Ranged | 2 HP damage |
Lightning Bolt | 35 | Mage, Battle Mage | Ranged | 3 HP damage |
Freeze | 30 | Mage, Battle Mage | Ranged | Target is frozen for a 20 count |
Heal | 25 | Cleric | Touch | Living non-cleric target is healed up to 3HP |
Cure | 40 | Cleric | Touch | Dead non-cleric target is brought back to life with up to 6HP |
Revive | 55 | Cleric | Self | Caster comes back to life with full HP. Enemies must stay away from a reviving cleric |
Sanctuary | Special | Cleric | Warband | Usable once per game phase. Requires a loud 30 count with the word “sanctuary” repeated. Warband members (alive or dead) must gather during the count, to the cleric and are healed to full health. Everyone else must move at least 3 meters away from the cleric until the end of the count |
Harm | 30 | Necromancer | Ranged | Transfers 2HP to the Necromancer. Up to the Necromancer's Steal Life limit. After which it just causes damage to the target like a Fireball |
Raise | 30 | Necromancer | Ranged | Target is brought back to life with half their HP (rounded up) |
Resurrect | 55 | Necromancer | Self | Caster comes back to life with full HP. Any friendly player within 3 meters is brought back to life with half their HP (rounded up). Enemies must stay away from a resurrecting necromancer |
Adventurer Level Spells
Added to a spellcaster's repertoire when they reach Adventurer level
Name | Word Count | Used by | Type | Effect |
Curse Weapon | 35 | Necromancer | Touch | As Harm but damage is transferred from the necromancer's weapon's hits. Lasts until the necromancer takes damage |
Firestorm | 25 | Mage | Ranged | As Fireball but mage can throw 2 spell balls, one after another (shout fireball with each) |
Mass Heal | 30 | Cleric | Touch | As Heal but cleric can lay hands on two people at once |
Defaults for all spells
- Casting a spell always requires that the caster stays still, does not attack or defend themselves. If the caster is damaged (or moves) during a spell, it is disrupted and if they still wish to cast it, they must begin over again.
- The caster must say a number of words and end the spell by saying its name so everyone effected can hear.
- If a spell has a range, it requires a spell ball to be thrown - a hand sized foam or other soft light object (lighter than a tennis ball). These follow the same rules as other thrown weapons.
- All spells ignore armour and shields. If it hits someone, their weapon, their armour or their shield - that person is affected by the spell.
hundredswords/spells.txt · Last modified: 2015/09/13 16:32 by