Table of Contents


Moves are rule guided outcomes to what players may do in the fiction. If the actions a player describes don't fit with a Move, the Grandfather, with the help of the other players - makes a ruling as to what occurs. If however the action fits well with (or “triggers”) a Move as written in the game (usually in their Playbook), the outcomes come with prewritten consequences that the Grandfather can use. Usually these involve dice rolls and often unsuccessful results are not defined because they vary significantly with context.

In PtbP, some Moves are Playbook specific and some are general use by anyone. Some are bought through experience and learning, some by exceptional circumstances and some are paid for by marking Completion, moving your character closer to retirement.

Dice Rolls

Typically a Move is a 2d6 roll to which you may choose to add one of your approaches.

Advantage, Disadvantage and Normal Rolls

There are three Positions of dice roll-



Before you roll for a Move you may choose to Push. Spend 2 Stress and bump up the category of dice roll:

Invoking the Spirits

Bloodline to bloodline, in constant transition. Our pattern, our flesh, and our one restoration.
Conception, completion, the will of the city. The Grandfather watch me. The Grandfather know me..

Before you roll for a Move you may increase the result by Invoking the Spirits.

To Invoke the Spirits, the Grandfather will offer you a choice of bad things that will happen in addition to the consequences of the Move. The bad thing will happen, but is will not effect the intended outcome of the Move. common bad things include-

Invoking the Spirits is always a choice. If you don’t like what they offer, reject it (or suggest how to alter it so you might consider taking it. If needed, the Grandfather has final say over what bad things are valid.


The end result of 6 or less (6-) is a Miss or failure, 7-9 is a success with consequences or complications and 10+ as success.


With a Miss result you usually mark XP on the group you used for your move. There's an XP track next to the Resistance Attribute. If you didn't use an approach you mark your playbook XP track. see Advancement

Progress Clocks

If the move is being used to progress a clock towards completion, then a result of: