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Points based on Jeff Bolton's work.


1 grid square = 15mm = 50 paces

Movement / DiagonalCombat versusCombat Results
Element TypeCodeCostSizeTypeRoadGoodBadStonghold
or Foot
Aerial or
AirboatAb82x4Aerial 10 / 710 / 710 / 7+5+3 DrawFlee from Mg else RD
ArtilleryArt72x3Foot 6 / 44 / 30 / 0+4+4 DrawD if in CCD
BeastsBs52x3Mounted 8 / 68 / 68 / 6+3+4 DrawD by Mounted in CC else RD(F)
BehemothBh102x3Mounted 8 / 66 / 44 / 3+4+5 DrawFlee from Mg, Dr or Art else RD(F)
BladesBd52x1Foot 8 / 64 / 34 / 3+5+3 DrawD by Wb else RD
ClericsCl72x2Foot 8 / 64 / 34 / 3+4+4 DrawD by Kn if in GG, or by Wb else RD
DragonDr102x4Aerial 24 / 1724 / 1724 / 17+6+6 DrawD by Ahr, Hr or Pa else flee fieldD(G)
FlyersFl42x2Aerial 24 / 1724 / 1724 / 17+2+2 DrawFlee from Mg else R(4)
GodGd102x2Aerial 24 / 1724 / 1724 / 17+6+6 DrawFlee field from Gd, Mg or ClD(G)
Ahr152x2Aerial 24 / 1724 / 1724 / 17+5+5 (1)E by Mg. D by Ahr, Hr, Pa or Art. Flee from Str else RD
HeroHr102x2Mounted 10 / 710 / 74 / 3+5+5 (1)E by Mg. D by Ahr, H, Pa or Art. Flee from Str else RD
HordesHd22x2Foot 8 / 64 / 34 / 3+2+2 DrawD by Kn if in GG or Wb else RD
KnightsKn72x2Mounted 8 / 66 / 44 / 3+3+4 DrawD by Bh, or by Mg, Sh or Art contacted this bound, or if in BG else RD(F)
LurkersLk12x2Foot 8 / 64 / 34 / 3+2+2 DrawFlee fieldD(G)
MagiciansMg102x3Foot 10 / 710 / 74 / 3+4+4 (2)E by Mg. D by Ahr, Hr, Pa, Dr or Gd else RD
PaladinPa102x2Mounted 10 / 710 / 74 / 3+6+6 (3)D if in CCD(G)
RidersRd62x2Mounted 10 / 710 / 74 / 3+3+3 DrawD if in BG else RD
ShootersSh52x1Foot 8 / 64 / 34 / 3+3+4 DrawD by Mounted in CC else RD
SneakersSn72x1Foot 8 / 66 / 46 / 4+5+3 DrawFleeD(G)
SpearsSp42x1Foot 8 / 64 / 34 / 3+4+4 DrawD by Kn if in GG or by Wb else RD
StrongholdStr5012x12Stronghold 0 / 00 / 00 / 0+6+6 DrawD by any except AerialsD
WarbandWb42x1Foot 8 / 66 / 46 / 4+3+3 DrawD by Bh, or Kn if in GG else RD(F)


D - Destroyed, CC - Close Combat, E - Ensorcelled, R - Recoil, GG - Good Going, BG - Bad Going Road, Good, Bad - Movement in grid squares along a Road, in Good Going or in Bad Going. The number before the / is along the grid, the number after is movement diagonally from corner to corner.


(1) Destroyed if in Close Combat with a Hero or Hero (Aerial) and the final score is odd.
(2) Destroyed if in Close Combat with a Paladin and the final score is odd.
(3) Destroyed if in Close Combat with a Magician and the final score is odd.
(4) Destroyed by Hero, Magician, Aerials or Shooters else Flees
(F) Follows up in combat
(G) Cannot be General
One general is required for every 75 points.
Each general is part of one of the army's elements. This must not be a God, dragon, paladin, lurkers or sneakers element.
Each army must also have a Stronghold used only if defending, the loss of which is fatal.

games/board/hotgunits.txt · Last modified: 2013/03/20 21:34 by