Table of Contents

Munchausen by Wiki

Wiki Variant

Based on The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen
by James Wallis, Hogshead Publishing
Adapted by Peter Cobcroft
For the tabletop game, try :-

To have a look at the Terry Gilliam movie, try :-

Go back to the start page.


A Game - a page, linked from the location/setting which contains all the linking text, incidental roleplaying and character introductions for the players involved in the particular game.
A Round - a new storyteller begins a story by creating a page for the story with a link in the game page.
A Turn - a part of the story is written on the page by the current storyteller. If they are logged in, they may also end the story part with their signature.
Wagee - a Player who has made a wager against the current storyteller.
Player - a Reader not currently telling a story, but with a character in the location/setting who is participating in the current game.
Reader - someone browsing the site and not currently telling a story.


Beginning a round

General Story Rules

Finishing a story

There are several ways a storyteller may finish her story :-

Of the later two options, the stories may be continued at some time in the future. If they are finished before the game is ended, then they are valid for the final voting.



Counter Wagers


