n 1: a series of ordered groupings of people or things within a system;
The Hierarchy of Munchausen pages
To save on the confusion of which page should link where, just try to create as many links as possible
Seriously though, I would like to keep it organised this way :-
Start Page +>Frequently Asked Question | +>Rules->Specific Rules pages | +>Current Games->Game Pages->Story Pages->Digression Pages | +>Previous Games->Game Pages->Story Pages->Digression Pages | +>Genre Pages+>Story Pages->Digression Pages | | | +>Digression Pages | +>Character Genre Pages->Character Pages+>Story Pages->Digression Pages | | | +>Digression Pages | +>Setting Genre Pages->Setting Pages->Game Pages->Story Pages->Digression Pages | +>Question Page->Question Genre Pages->Questions->Story Pages | +>Baron Munchausen Links->Outside the site
— Peter Cobcroft 08/06/2005 16:56
Go back to the start page
roleplaying/munchausen/hierarchy.txt · Last modified: 2005/11/22 17:50 by