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Discussion Page
There is now a message board for discussing the project here - — Peter Cobcroft 2007/01/08 12:38
Put all comments, discussions and ideas here if you aren't sure where they should go. Make sure you sign them so they are timestamped (ALT+Y) — Peter Cobcroft 2007/01/02 19:45
HFP Ideas from Lensman — Peter C. Shafer 2007/01/07 10:48
Warcry here. My name is Brent, if you prefer.
I have a some adventure ideas I am willing to submit, a couple of magic items, and some NPC's.
I also have a game world I have been working on for the past several months that is a spin on the fantasy viking. Most of the work is already done (over 200 pages of info) but it still needs to be tweaked (especially the magic mechanics) and is quite possibly missing some things. It could easily be put into an existing world or used as a stand-alone. However, if this is something that generates interest, I would prefer to put it on the back burner for now - I am burned out on it.
I have two years of art school under my belt, though I consider myself a hack. Basically, this means I sort through source material until I find an image that is suitable, either trace or copy the outline, transfer that to paper/board, then alter the image into what I desire to produce. For example, use a Captain America comic image to produce a bare-chested axe weilding barbarian. My preferences in this field are pencil and ink. I don't do color very well, or detailed backgrounds. I can draw a decent world or landscape map, but am weak on mapping cities and buildings.
All in all, I am more than happy to help others flesh out their projects.
My name is Martin. Much like Warcry, I also have a fantasy world that has traversed the game systems (AD&D [both eds], Fuzion, d20, Hero). My talents lie in the one shots or short term adventures. I can make them openended and generic so they can be tied to anything. I have and used Fantasy Battle grounds. If this is what you are looking at producing (in some fashion), then I can work with that. If you are looking at doing something similar to the Turakian age, I can do country write ups or even plot hooks.
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