Mr. Long
By Susano (original post)
(First name can be either mundane – such as John, Chinese – such as Yun-Fat, or atypical – such as August.) He's tall, Asian (Chinese?), with long black hair, dark skin, green eyes, handsome features, and long fingers. He is always well-dressed and very polite, with just a trace of an accent to his English. He lives in a room near the top of the hotel and has apparently been there for years… and years… and years. Is known to pay his bills in out-of-date money and makes gifts of circa 1850s-1870s gold coins to cleaning ladies and bellhops who do excellent work. Knows quite a bit about history, both Chinese and 19th Century American, and has a collection of ancient newspapers in his room, all encased in their own clear plastic envelopes (examples: Death of Lincoln, destruction of the Maine, end of WWI, Pearl Harbor, Kennedy assassination, Apollo 11 landing, and so on). Come Halloween will dress in fine Chinese clothing of the sort one might expect the nobles to have once worn (attends whatever function the hotel has in the ballroom dressed this way). The doorman tend to ask him about the weather as he leaves for the day, and whatever his answer is, it will be 100% correct. Interestingly, the times the doorman have asked him about better/different weather, he's responded with “I'll see what I can do” and sure enough, the desired weather has appeared. During heavy rainstorms, especially ones with a lot of thunder and lightning, he might be met walking down the stairs from the roof – his hair soaked, but his clothing dry. Oh, and he's fantastically strong too, for such an old(?) guy.
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