The Elevator Operator
By Basil (original post)
The hotel has, of course, push-button self-operated elevators. Still, every once in a while, one of the elevators has an old, old guy in it, in the hotel's colors, acting as an elevator operator. He politely asks for your floor, pushes the buttons, and calls off the floors stopped at. He acts like this is all perfectly ordinary, and if asked why he's doing this will say it's his job.
His appearances seem random at first, but if the PCs stay long at the hotel, or ask around, it turns out he's seen about once a month, and only for a few hours in the middle of the day. Investigating to piece together the sightings will reveal he's there on the 18th of the month, or the following Monday if the 18th is on Saturday or Sunday. As well, he's only there from 10 AM to 2 PM.
If asked, the staff will only say that he's “permitted” to do this, and if pressed will say that any questions have to be directed to the owner of the hotel. If the PCs have the “pull” to get to the owner, he will refuse to answer any questions.
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