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Every cyberpunk is in thrall to some vice or another, which they indulge to replenish their edge. Choose a vice from the list, and describe it on your character sheet with the details and the name and location of your vice purveyor in the city. For example, you might choose Pleasure , then write The Outer Limits (club). You can create a vice purveyor or ask the GM to tell you about a couple likely options for your vice.
- Deviant: You experiment with unusual substances, network with tormented people, interface with rogue AI, observe strange rituals, etc.
- Faith: You’re dedicated to an unseen power, mentor spirit, ancestor, etc.
- Gambling: You crave games of chance, betting on sporting events, etc.
- Luxury: Expensive and/or ostentatious displays of opulence.
- Obligation: You’re devoted to a tradition, a family, a cause, a charity, etc.
- Pleasure: Gratification from lovers, food or drink, performance, art, or trideo, etc.
- Stupor: You seek oblivion in the abuse of drugs, drinking to excess, getting beaten to a pulp in mosh pits, etc.
Edge Relief
The cyberpunks in Night City are more than the sum of their parts. They defy the powers-that-be and dare to prey on those who are considered to be their superiors. They push themselves further than ordinary people are willing to go. But this comes at a cost. Their edge is constantly dulled by the stresses of running the shadows. Inevitably, each turns to the seduction of a vice in order to cope.
A cyberpunk’s vice is their obsession. But with this indulgence comes a sharpening of their edge and the ability to once again face the overwhelming challenge of their criminal existence.
If you clear more edge levels than you had marked, you overindulge. If you do not or cannot indulge your vice regularly, you mark edge equal to your trauma.
Indulging Your Vice
When you indulge your vice, you add back edge to your character. Say how your character indulges their vice, including which purveyor of vice they use to satisfy their needs. This indulgence takes time, so it can only be done between missions. Alternately, you may choose to release your character to be “lost in their vice” during a game session, allowing them to indulge off-camera while you play a different PC. A crew member, friend, or contact of the crew might be created as an alternate character to play, thus fleshing out the landscape of PCs.
You roll to find out how much edge relief your character receives. A vice roll is like an attribute roll in reverse—rather than reducing edge, you add edge. The effectiveness of your indulgence depends upon your character’s worst attribute rating.
It’s their weakest quality that is most in thrall to vice.
Make an attribute roll using your character’s lowest attribute rating (if there’s a tie, that’s fine—simply use that rating). Clear edge according to that result.
If you clear more edge levels than you had marked, you overindulge. A vice is not a reliable, controllable habit. It’s a risk—and one that can drive your character to act against their own best interests.
When you overindulge, you make a bad call because of your vice—in acquiring it or while under its influence. To bring the effect of this bad decision into the game, select an overindulgence from the list:
- Attract Trouble. Select or roll an additional entanglement.
- Brag about your exploits. +2 heat.
- Lost. Your character vanishes for a few weeks. Play a different character until this one returns from their bender. When your character returns, they’ve also healed any damage they had.
- Tapped. Your current purveyor cuts you off. Find a new source for your vice.
Ignoring your Vice
If you do not or cannot indulge your vice regularly, you mark edge equal to your trauma. If you don’t have any trauma, you’re free to ignore your vice. It doesn’t have a hold over you (yet).
Roleplaying & XP
Along with your character’s background, their vice tells us what kind of person they are. This obsession impacts their motivations, goals, and behaviour. When you ponder what your character might do or say next, you can always consider their vice to help you think of something. As an added benefit, by playing to the nature of your character’s vice, you earn karma at the end of the session.