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Plot Points

Albert Karrde

  • Trevor the upper class Neo Victorian that took Albert's brother's land and home from him and had him murdered.
  • Lucy Devereux - a Milady De Winter/Bartolemew character. HIghly skilled thief and con artist. Ex-partner and possibly ex-wife. Was meant to help Albert escape, but betrayed him (without him knowing). Albert assumes she was captured and needs rescuing.
  • Anti-establishment. Albert is always on the look out for small, petty ways to disrupt Neo Victorian authority and government. Not as ideologically driven as Blake, but not entirely selfish.
  • The crew is family. The mutiny hinged on the crew being fellow lower class Neo Victorians. Albert feels a kinship with them
roleplaying/airship/plot_points.txt · Last modified: 2012/04/28 06:05 by