The following colour code and terms are used:
information from the TV Series (Including the Dimensions in Time , and
Universal/BCC Telemovie, Scream of the Shalka)
information from the Novels (Virgin, BCC, I Who (which isn't a novel but
it's source material is))
information from The Infinity Doctors and some of Cold Fusion (I put
The Infinity Doctors as an 8th Doctor sidetrip. I admit I could be wrong.)
information from deliberately created alternate version of Doctor Who
(The Unbound Series, Death Comes to Time)
information from 'licensed' reference sources (The Technical Manual,
Monsters, The Doctor Who Cookbook and The Gallifrey Chronicles
information from 'unreliable' sources: (FASA's role-playing game, the
Nth Doctor, Destiny of the Doctors (I don't trust them either, but you never know))
information from unofficial sources(Lawrence Miles' books, the Benny
information from speculative sources (my own speculation, and other
fan speculation. Includes ideas from sites listed on my home page.)
? The event occurred approximately in this interval.
?? A pretty wild guess as to when this event took place.
About this website
"A full summary of the Great Houses' activities over the aeons would be
unimaginably long and mostly tedious..."
- The Book of the War
Greetings. I am know in these parts as Marnal Gate
and this is the world’s largest (and most badly spellchecked) website on the
Time Lords of Gallifrey. This was my first web page so I tried to follow the
KISS principle (Keep It Simple Stupid). This page was created in March 1998.
I have (shall we say 'an obsessive'? Yes. Yes, we
shall) an obsessive interest in the history of the history of the Doctor's
people from before the time of Rassilon to its apparent destruction in the Time
War with the Daleks. The idea behind this web page is to trace all the little
details about the Time Lord's past that we have been given over the decades.
I've also added a section on the Daleks (though it doesn't cover as much
material as I'd like). If you have any doubts as to the validity of the data
presented, just check the colour code chart at the top of each page. I've been
pretty religious about sticking to it.
Exhaustive time lines of Gallifrey's history.
Pages (the following links
contains many spoilers for the TV series, audios, and novels)back to the top
a page of lists - rather out of date
The TARDIS Technical Index |
An exhaustive collection of data on the Time Ships of Gallifrey (the
following links takes you to the home of my TARDIS Index at The Whoniverse) |
Astronomy, technology, biology, sociology and more stuff
I've tried to base all my information off of reliable
(or at least well thought out) sources. These include the TV series (new and
old), Novels, Audios, and numerous reference books. The Whoniverseand The Cloister Libraryhave also been essential.
Obviously I have a great deal of respect of the expanded universe of Doctor Who
beyond the TV episodes but I've made sure to colour code the text so that those
with a narrow view of canon can still find the site useful but just following
the font colour of their choice. Rest assured that when irreconcilable
differences appear the TV series will always trump any other source.
If you think I've forgotten some data or just want to
give your opinion on my page, then please don't hesitate to E-Mail me at willbswift@hotmail.com. (If I don't respond after week then a cybermat must have ate
your email before it got to me and you should send again).
Holly and William Swift (aka Marnal)
This page is the property of William B. Swift (B.S. Productions)
XML website design: Peter Cobcroft
Banner design:
Yukio-Nenjikuji @ DA