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roleplaying:spirit:50s_in_the_usa [2013/12/04 01:16] (current) – created - external edit
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 +====== 50s in the USA ======
 +Majestic and project paperclip
 +George has travelled to the US at the behest of Finnegan for her professional opinion
 +Alec is in Hollywood
 +Finnegan was not allowed back in the US, but may be in Kansas
 +George arrives in NY and is met by two polite MIBs
 +The MIBs want to know what George is doing in the country and if she belongs to any subversive organisations
 +Alec is being interrogated along the same lines
 +The MIBs are asking quite detailed questions about George and the Century Club and what she did for them
 +They ask George and Alec if they know Finnegan
 +Ravi was checking up on his earlier Edison work in the US
 +The MIBs ask George to accompany them.  A woman interrupts them and introduces herself as Sally Silver
 +A German man talks in the background after Alec is given Sodium Pentathol
 +They ask Alec to remove his shirt, then cuts it off him and applies electrodes to him
 +Senor Lawrencio is still around.  Max Silver invites Mr White to the Century Club to talk about him
 +Colonel Black MIA - recent memorial in the Century Club
 +George is there with Sally
 +Max and Sally think the FBI MIBs will be tracking George to find Finnegan and whatever it is that he's discovered
 +There is some kind of psychic contagion - George reads case studies of how psychosis seems to have an unusual pattern - in Kansas
 +Alec overhears that they know where George is
 +They knock Alec out and put a bag over his head
 +Ravi sees Finnegan with the Tunguska Shard, that explodes and changes to Alec's face
 +There are armies of MIB with esoteric devices marching on the city that Finnegan is in.  Led by a dark and shadowy figure.  Somewhat Cthulian.
 +The city becomes the world and the US becomes dominant over the world lead by this figure.
 +While Alec is unconscious, he contacts Ravi
 +Ravi tries to work out where they are taking Alec
 +Sally says the Club is willing to help George investigate and will be sending Mr White to investigate
 +Finnegan is apparently able to take energy from distant areas
 +George arranges a tour of a number of hospitals in the USA as a cover and asks the Club to provide a body double so she can ditch her FBI tail on route
 +Ravi finds out that Alec has disappeared from his studio in Hollywood - there were lots of MIBs there and he was rumoured to be taken out into the desert somewhere.
 +Ravi finds himself in a small city in Kansas
 +George is in Topica hospital
 +A man comes in and introduces himself as Charlie Williams from the Century Club is there to impersonate her
 +He imitates her voice precisely and starts to look like her.
 +Step one- beard
 +Step two - stilts
 +A young jewish woman introduces herself to Mr White
 +Anne now - but it was George!
 +Mr White and George are in a large Club-provided car
 +Checking for tails, they head towards the location George was provided - which is a boarding house
 +Mr White checks in with George as a couple
 +Ravi gets the bus in
 +Some of the local Kansas residents cheerfully greet Ravi - mysteriously...
 +Ravi determines that the friendly resident is actually supressing huge amounts of bigotry
 +He finds Mr White and George there
 +George chats to the landlady about the other boarder  He's apparently a nice young scientist chap who keeps to himself
 +Ravi asks to see the other boarder
 +The Landlady tries to get Finnegan to come out of his room , but there's no response
 +She opens the door and there is a portal into another space
 +George puts her to sleep and they put her to bed
 +There are 2 FBI agents heading towards the boarding house
 +Alec wakes up in the boot of a car and thinks Ravi is somewhere nearby
 +He decides to pretend to be asleep
 +After a while he breaks out to discover himself in the same town as the others.  He checks the glove compartments and grabs an esoteric firearm
 +Locals talk to Alec in a friendly manner
 +Joan's Town
 +Alec heads to the library
 +Just then an FBI guy comes out of the motel and draws a gun on Alec- who shelters behind the local for cover
 +The local directs Alec to the boarding house
 +The FBI start firing bolts of electricity - one of them hitting Alec
 +Alec gets up and then parkours out of there
 +George looks out the window and sees Alec being pursued by  FBI 
roleplaying/spirit/50s_in_the_usa.txt · Last modified: 2013/12/04 01:16 by