The Setting
- Kamarathin (Medium fantasy)
“a mid-fantasy/dark setting, ground very much in its own mythology. There are a plethora of races, but the focus is more on the characters and the people, rather than collecting magic items and bashing monsters.” - Thia Halmades
The Kingdom of Tursh lies upon the northeast tip of the crescent shaped continent of Hylrexia. It is a lush and green land filled with many rivers and lakes. The kingdom finds itself recovering after two hundred years of plagues followed by another one hundred and twenty of hedonistic nobles on the throne. A new king wears the crown and carries with him the light of hope for a better future.
The kingdom is split in twain, both figuratively and literally. In the more “civilized” east, wealth and privilege have created a climate of decadence among the nobility and a life of squalor for the peasantry who have come to think of themselves more as prey than sentient creatures. In the northeast, the paranoid religious rhetoric of the Duchy of Gwen threatens to engulf the region in civil war, while the Duchy of Aslyn in the southeast shows signs of a cultural renaissance.
West of the Plague Wall, bandits and highwaymen roam the wilderness between villages and towns, while the Duchy of Clah schemes with Prince Elaunel and the Bishop Hetor to usurp the lands of the Duchy of Jisan. The Duchy of Viron battles the near constant incursions of Bezzi from the Water Wood while members of the Order of the Burning Light slowly infiltrate the few Asunite churches in the territory. The Olemecan Highlands are constantly infested with raiders and slavers from the Ennas Commonwealth and a dark cancer grows where the village of Marone once stood.
On the seas, her merchants are plagued by Huglap Raiders, and the undead Nolanyon of The Blight are beginning to test the boundaries of their island barriers. Should the ancient stones be broken, their Dark One fueled rituals could very well swallow all of Hylrexia, starting with our kingdoms allies, the Aigulf of Beilean.
Once again the Kingdom of Tursh is balancing upon a razors edge; it is in need of heroes that can usher in a new age of light and prosperity after centuries of darkness.
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