Table of Contents
Advent is an Urban Fantasy setting designed for use with Hero System.
In many ways the world of Advent is similar to our own; however, there is a supenatural world that was once hidden. In 2012, the world nearly ended in the Zero Point Event and since that disaster the supernatural world has “leaked” into the mundane world. In many ways this is similar to Buffy, the Dresden Files, Hellboy, Witchcraft (RPG), and The World of Darkness (RPG) but Advent aims for its own feel. Most of the setting is based around the fictional Union City, which replaces Chicago but infuses elements of New York and Batman's Gotham City.
Advent borrows liberally where it is simpler to do so.
Union City Sourcebook
Rules and Game Permutations
Resources and Inspirations
- Hudson City: The Urban Abyss - my review
- Chicago By Night - RPGnet Review
- World of Darkness - wiki article
- The Dresden Files - wiki article
- Hellboy - wiki article
- Hellblazer - wiki article
Nothing occurs in a vacuum and Union City certainly did not spring from the depths of my mind minty fresh and wholly formed. Parts are inspired by the real Chicago, New York, Boston, San Fransisco's Chinatown, and Kowloon the walled city of Hong Kong. There are fictional inspirations as well including Batman's Gotham, WoD Chicago, Dresden Files Chicago, GTA's Liberty City, and Hudson City. If I can archive my goal, Union City will resemble Gotham with supernatural rather than superheroics.