Table of Contents
Character Creation
Alfer - elves
Asgardr - Asgardians
Jotnar - giants
Midgardr - humans from Earth
Svartalfr – dark elves
Dvergar - dwarves
Midgard Garden World
Asgard A chilly planet, home of the AESIR, Seat of the Asgardian Government
Niflheim A dark cold world near the edge of the galaxy
Vanaheim Home of the Vanir, a once-rebellious colony
Muspelheim A desert world, home to the Fire Giants
Alfheim A garden world, original home of the Alfer
Svartalfheim Colony world of Alfheim, the home of the Dark Elves and many Dvergar
Hel Asgardian colony, ruled by Hel, a daughter of Loki. Asgard's largest, most terrible prison is here.
Thrudvang Thor's battle station
Valhalla VALKYRIE & EINHERJAR home base, extensive military and medical facilities.
BIFROST- Teleportation Network
YGGDRASIL- Asgardian Lore-Net that connects the Nine Worlds
Mimir’s Well – Tactical Computer
Sliepnir – Odin’s starship
Jormungand – The Midgard Serpent, being built at Midgard Orbital by the traitor Loki
Hyperforge – A forge that bends objects into hyperspace, making them very light, but leaving their inertia intact. Such weapons and armor are very expensive and effective.
Hypersteel –Metal resulting from Hyperforging.
Eitr – Life-essence distilled from certain comets. Very poisonous. Must be kept extremely cold.
Baldur Bil Borr Bragi Dellingr Forseti Freki Geri Freya Freyr Frigg Fulla Gefjun Gerdr Gna Heimdall Hermodar Hilin Hodr Hoenir Idunn Ilmir Irpa Lodurr Lofn Mimir Nanna Njordir Njorun Odin Odr Ran Sif Sigyn Sjofn Skadi Snotra Sol Syn Thor Thorgerda Tyr Ullr Vali Var Ve Vidarr Vili Vor
The Enemies
AESIR – Asgardian Military Council and it’s army of Armored Warriors
VANIR- Vanaheimr Military Council and it’s army of Armored Warriors
VALKYRIE – Antigrav riding female units under Odin’s direct command
EINHERJAR- Odin’s guard at Valhalla, cybernetic warriors with downloaded “spirits” of fallen warriors.
NORN – Asgardian Technical Service Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld operate YGGDRASIL and various medical services.