Where Is The Parent?
By i3ullseye (original post)
The stock creepy or annoying little kid. About age 7 seems just about right. This can be a sad child, or a pest. But always popping up and beying a pain or hinderance when least wanted.
You never see this child with a parent. The hotel staff might even refer to the kid in strange ways, or not even acknowledge the kid is there many times. Evidence of thier coming and going should be apparent, but maybe they are never seen by any staff or other hotel patrons. And they will always find a way to avoid showing someone which room they are in, or even giving their parents name(s).
This gets real annoying when they are playing up and dawn the hall on school days when they should be in class.
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roleplaying/hero/resources/dark_champions/ch_guest/where_is_the_parent.txt · Last modified: 2007/01/01 16:18 by