Wheelchair Cop
By McCoy (original post)
A balding Black man, in his 50's, can be seen wheeling his non-powered wheelchair through the lobby every morning. His upper body is well muscled. He goes to the corner newsstand every morning to buy a newspaper. If asked why he does not get it delivered, he will say the exercise is good for him. (However, if a PC offers to go get the paper for him, if it is raining, he will accept with thanks.)
He is a medically retired policeman, was quite good at it, and misses “the business.” If the PC's are stumped on a case, he will listen, perhapse suggesting a lead to be persued, a test to be run or doublechecked, or, if they are really stumped, that they look up a friend of his still on active duty.
But no one is sure where his room is. The hotel is too old and too cheap to have handycapped accessable rooms, thyer are no guest rooms on the ground floor, and no one remembers ever seeing him on the elevator. The Desk Clerk will confirm that he is a paying guest, but sorry, cannot give out his room mumber. Privacy, you understand.
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