The Woman In Black
By Blue (original post)
For no apparent reason, you find yourself strangely wide awake for a moment and feel compelled to check the hallway. A woman has checked into the room up the hall. She is shrouded fully in black, but the gauzy dress with a sort of lacey spider-web pattern to it reveals shapely curves. Without any glimpse of her face you decide she is the most beautiful woman you've ever seen. In fact, anytime she comes into the hallway, no matter what you are doing, you know she's there somehow and go to steal a glance. The more times you see her, the more you want to see more of her.
If approached, she will mostly let you do all the talking but may occasionally whisper a word or two in a breathy, sexy tone. She answers very few questions however, especially about why she's there. Subsequently, the only way someone will find info is to climb out on the fire escape and spy, use the neighboring (empty) room and drill a hole, or to break in when she's gone. This will lead to her attempting to seduce the characer (which by now should be easy). That of course is when an amorphous roiling mass of darkness shows up for his “cut” of your soul. Pimps get at least half, ya know.
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