The Stranger
By AmadanNaBriona (original post)
A quiet, intense fellow, in his late 20's or early 30's. He doesn't really seem to be very interested in interacting with the other residents, but he's by no means a stay in reculse. He almost religiously devours a wide variety of newspapers, every day, ranging from serious news to tabloids. After obtaining his daily collection he'll disappear into his room for several hours, then emerge to dissappear into the city. While he's hard to draw out, it is possible to get him into a conversation, if you're lucky. He is very careful about keeping his emotions under iron control, but it's clear that he burns with fantacism towards some cause. Very occasionally he will have visitors, who all seem to be very similar to him in age and attitude. If you were to follow him around, you might think he has some delusions of Batmanhood, because he spends an inordinate amount of time doing little “good deeds”, like interrupting a pedestrian who is about to walk into traffic while distracted, or stopping a mugging in process.When he's not intervening in peoples lives, he seems to be searching for someone… occasionally he'll approach selected strangers and speak with them in low tones, sometimes handing over a handwritten note, sometimes a pamphlet. He also takes a LOT of pictures, which probably accounts for the packages he sends away in the mail every day.
Should one gain access to his room, it proves to be spartan, almost barren, with the only personal touches being tons of newsclippings both in files and stuck to the walls, about a dizzyingly strange variety of subjects, with no seeming connection. And a calendar, extensively filled with notes… including notes reaching months ahead of the current day. All the notes end abruptly at one particular day tho. The notes in the week prior to the date, while written in a shrothand that is almost coded, seem to be some kind of evacuation plans.
If you can gain his trust enough to visit his room, he'll probably tell you the truth… He sees himself as a solider, working to save the future. Saving those who will have a place in the New World. Those who deserve to be saved. When it comes right down to it… he is a follower of an Apocalypse cult, whose members claim that their leader can see the future, and the destruction of the world as we know it. Typical crackpot stuff. Except it really sometimes seems like he does know that certain things are going to happen before they do.
Oh, and their prophet and leader is a 7 year old boy. Who can't talk.
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