The Really Creepy Businessman
By Major Tom (original post)
This fellow, like some of the hotel's other residents, is a periodic guest at the establishment. He tends to be very well-groomed whenever he puts in an appearance in the common areas of the hotel, and keeps to himself for the most part. He is also a pleasant-seeming fellow, but there is an undefinable something about him that only the most sensitive individuals are able to pick up on, something that causes them to feel extremely uneasy in his presence for any length of time. Some have even gone so far as to say that, when they looked at him, it was as if he suddenly turned dark before their eyes.
If, however, one of the PCs has caught his interest, he will arrange to meet the PC later on, usually with references from someone that the PC knows and respects. He will then ask one question, and one question only: “What do you want?”
If the PC's answer is unsatisfactory for whatever reason, the businessman will thank the PC for his time and leave, never to bother him again. If, however, the PC's initial answer is to the businessman's liking, then he will continue to ask the same question until he has learned about everything that the PC wants. Once he's finished, the businessman will tell the PC that his “associates” have taken an interest in him and wish to help him in any way that the PC desires. All that they ask in return is that, when requested, the PC will provide a service in exchange for whatever assistance is provided.
After the meeting is concluded, the businessman will take his leave of the PC and move on to his next “client”. If the PC goes after him, no matter how close behind the businessman he was when he got up to follow him, he will find that the businessman has vanished without a trace. If he asks how he can get in touch with him, the businessman's voice will seem to come from out of nowhere, saying “Don't worry, Mr. (insert the PC's last name here). We'll find you.”
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