The Formerly Pretty Blonde
By starblaze (original post)
She sits in the hotel lounge most nights. She dresses in clothes that are out of place for the times. Usually sixties, or seventies clothes. She drinkes out of a rum and cola that she nurses for the most part. She has the look of someone who once was very pretty but the years and the mileage have worn her down. She seems like a very sweet person and has a pleasent personality, but she doesn't seem to be all there.
Her only visitors are a old black lady who also has the look of faded beauty about her. She sometimes sings on the open mike night usually belting out tunes from the sixties and seventies. She is sometimes joined by an older man who dresses casually but is rumoured to be rich. Sometimes when they are talking they mention a friend named Josie, but always in the past tense. The blonde lives at the hotel and pays for her room through a disability check she gets each month.
Oh, and did I mention? The blonde always talks as if she is singing a melody.
[This is an obvious play on the character Melody from the animated TV series Josie and the Pussycats. - ed.]
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