The Doctor
By radioKAOS (original post)
This man is overly tall, with long appendages, and moves very slowly and fluidly, as if moving through heavy water. He has small round spectacles, very thin white hair on top of his large head, and always wears a doctor's white lab coat. He looks at no one, minding his own business until he spies a PC. He'll look at the PC for much longer than would be polite, then nods his head in a knowing manner at the PC, and leaves. He gets into the elevator alone, stopping anyone from entering with a simple hand gesture. The elevator closes but the indicator doesn't show it going anywhere. When it is called back to open, he is gone.
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roleplaying/hero/resources/dark_champions/ch_guest/the_doctor.txt · Last modified: 2007/01/01 17:04 by