The Cosplayer
By csyphrett (original post)
People dress up as their favorite fictional character from the Elvis Storm Trooper, to Sailor Moon and her fellow scouts. Bart Dinkley does this too. People can spot him crossing the lobby day or night, wearing some outlandish costume. He even adds some authenthic touchs like slime on a ghostbusters uniform, Cloud Strife's seven in one sword, even a stake with blood on it as Van Helsing.
Then there's the people who show up looking for Bart. They also seem to be cosplayers, but they always seem to need help for one thing or another.
IF asked, Bart will make some remark about a problem with the princess's plumbing, or Stay Puft's refrigerator was on the fritz.
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roleplaying/hero/resources/dark_champions/ch_guest/the_cosplayer.txt · Last modified: 2011/08/29 22:47 by