The Cake Lady
By Dr. Anomaly (original post)
Eva Jones is thirty-nine years old and the other residents of the hotel know that she's retired and living on some sort of disability payments, though none of them know exactly what her disability is. Eva herself seems perfectly fit physically, with no obvious outward sign of any disability. When talking to someone else, her attention does have a habit of drifting away and her eyes will focus on something just over the other person's shoulder…though if that person turns to look, there's never anything or anyone there. If asked what she was looking at, Eva will brush off the question with a muttered “Nothing, really, I guess” and then will attempt to go on with the interrupted conversation.
Every evening Eva goes out to the neighborhood store and purchases and angel food cake, brings it back to the hotel, unwraps it, and places it on a paper plate on a table in the lobby. She'll explain cheerfully that she's leaving it for the guardian angels that protect the hotel, since they're on duty day and night without any breaks or words of appreciation for their services, and this is her way of thanking them for all that they do in protecting the hotel and its residents from the forces of evil. In the morning the cake is always gone, which Eva say is proof the guardian angels exist and are appreciative of her gift. (The cake is in fact always gone each morning, and even if watched, will manage to disappear before sunrise, and no one will ever see it go or see what happened to it.)
Once in a great while, instead of angel's food cake, Eva will bring back a package of devil's food cookies and leave them out. On those evenings she's grim, a bit nervous, and very tight-lipped, refusing to explain why she's doing what she's doing. She'll then retire to her room and turn the numerous bolt locks with quite audible clicks and thunks. Like the cake, the cookies are always gone by daybreak…
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