The All-Seeing Blind Guy
By Derek Hiemforth (original post)
An elderly black man with a short white beard and rheumy eyes, he's usually found in the lobby, chatting up other hotel denizens (especially incoming guests) with an unsettling mixture of bizarre non-sequiturs and astonishingly insightful comments. He's sometimes found in other common areas of the hotel, at virtually any hour of the day or night. He has a room that he diligently pays for every week, but housekeeping has long since stopped bothering to go in daily, since nothing is ever in need of cleaning, the bed never appears slept in, and so on. They just go in to dust and air the room out once a week or so. He often seems to doze in his favorite chair in the lobby, but it's almost impossible to tell when he's really asleep and when he's just listening. His eyes and his manner – not quite looking anyone directly in the eye – certainly seem to indicate that he's really blind, but he uses no navigating cane, and never seems to bump into anything or anyone (unless he wants to). Maybe he's just memorized where everything is…
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