Sutter Kane
By Curufea (original post)
Sutter Kane is currently writing his latest novel on an old manual typewriter in a rundown, bare hotel room. The tapping of the keys can be heard from the hallway anywhere on that floor. It's a prequel to his last novel “In the Mouth of Madness” and is called “[PC's name]'s Descent”. It's a manuscript about the PC and includes their entire life thus far and their descent into madness once they read the book about their life, or it is narrated to them. The PC realises they don't really exist and are merely characters in a story. The knowledge drives the PC insane.
This only occurs if the book is finished, if the book is only partly read the PC does not go insane. However - the book is indestructible. If burnt or destroyed, another original manuscript will appear as though the PC had packed it earlier, or sent it to themselves, or left it momentarily on the nightstand.
Others have read this book in its incomplete form and will know intimate details about the PC. These insane proof readers, editors, or random homeless folk will tend to have bleeding eyes and enquire of anyone who looks vaguely like they may be well-read or holding a book - “Do you read Sutter Kane?”
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