Sci-fi Geekette
By 5lippers (original post)
The Players seem to keep bumping into Sci-fi Geekette in and around the hotel. Sci-fi Geekette is very frail and extremely myopic but, given the opportunity, she’ll happily bore the players with sci-fi factoids. One evening she’s talks passionately about George Lucas being a prophet of a higher power, claiming that the force as shown in Star Wars really exists.
The following morning, the players enter the foyer of the hotel just in time to see her forcibly eject a trouble maker out the hotel doors, from ten yards and without touching the trouble maker. Whilst the players stare agape, Sci-fi Geekette runs out of the hotel, giving the players the feeling that they’re not going to see her again.
A day later, a lady called Antoinette Fhey greets the players, explaining that they’ve been the victims of a new hidden camera TV series called “Effing X!”. She gives each of the players £100 and thanks them for being such good sports before disappearing.
The trouble is, no ones ever heard of Antoinette Fhey or a new TV show called “Effing X!”.
Who is Antoinette, what channel does she work for and why has no one heard of her or her show?
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