Other Hotel Guy
By 5lippers (original post)
Other Hotel Guy, a crass cockney salesman with a penchant for loud, stripy shirts, can be overheard happily - and loudly - telling anyone who will listen:
“You think this place is full of freaks? You should go check out The Four Seasons on the other side of town! Makes this place look like an accountancy firm full of the terminally normal I’m telling you! Me and [insert oddball of choice] decided we’d high tail it out of there pronto before things got really weird!”
A bit of investigation will reveal that the The Four Seasons Hotel is owned by the same company as this creepy hotel, but unlike creepy hotel, the Four Seasons is actually turning a profit.
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roleplaying/hero/resources/dark_champions/ch_guest/other_hotel_guy.txt · Last modified: 2011/08/29 22:49 by