Coat Guy
By 5lippers (original post)
Coat Guy can usually be found in the hotel bar until 11:03 pm each evening, when he retires to his room. He seems like a normal enough fellow: friendly, approachable and with a vast repertoire of outrageous stories which he’s more than willing to tell to anyone who’ll buy him a drink. No tale is so outrageous as to be patently untrue though – they’re always about unlikely things that could have happened.
No matter the weather, Coat Guy always wears his coat (indoors and out). At first glance his coat seems to be some sort of leather, but no amount of forensic analysis or investigation will reveal from what animal hide it is made. Coat Guy also has a seven-dial pocket watch which he checks occasionally. None of the dials look like those on a ‘normal’ watch.
Occasionally, after 11:03pm, Coat Guy will have visitors who always go straight to hotel reception and ask after him. Upon asking, Hotel staff can be seen giving directions to the visitors, who then proceed to Coat Guy’s room (you presume). The strange thing is that, when asked, no one (including hotel staff), seems to know in which room Coat Guy is staying…
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