Band-Aid Guy
By Just Joe (original post)
In his early thirties, very thin and unhealthy-looking, he has numerous small scars, scabs, and sores, especially on his hands and forearms. His largest and most recent injuries are not-quite covered by large band-aids. These are all the more obvious because he is a black man and the band-aids are the typical white-person's-skin color. The wounds glimpsed underneath might looks like bites, scratches, circles, or whatever the GM desires. He leaves his room frequently, but when doing so looks nervous and hurried. He never stays out long; his most common reason for leaving is to go to the nearest fast-food place (it's cheaper than room service). There, he orders a value-meal, paying mostly with change and possibly a crumpled $1 bill or two. As he briskly walks back to the hotel, he voraciously devours the fries, hamburger bun, lettuce, tomatoes, and pickles. By the time he's back in the hotel, on his way to his room, he's licking the condiments from the hamburger. He'll then look longingly at the burger and, after a moment's hesitation just might nibble at its edges or even take one guilty bite before re-wrapping it and entering his room.
Oh, and Mrs. Jones down the hall swears she once saw him pick up a dead pigeon off the sidewalk and put it in his pocket before returning to the hotel.
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