The Twenty-Minute Guest
By Basil (original post)
Every once in a while a woman will come into the hotel, go right to the coathooks, hang her coat on the fourth hook, then move to the front desk; all this without saying a word. The woman will then book a room for one night, take the key, and go straight upstairs, saying her baggage will be brought by a friend, in a little while. At some point after the new guest leaves the front lobby, when no-one is watching, her coat will disappear from the fourth coathook.
The guest disappears as well, at about the same time (as near as can be judged). Which is bad enough, but if anyone who saw the vanished woman and can remember her appearance does some research, she looked identical to someone who recently was murdererd, in some city other than the one the hotel is in.
Any investigation, by the police or a good PI, will turn up no evidence about the vanished guest; no hair/skin flakes/etc. in the room or the front lobby, the signature that should be in the guestbook is missing, etc., etc. Nothing but whoever saw the vanished guest to serve as evidence; and somehow the frontdesk clerk that was on duty never managed to hear her name clearly.
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