The Menu
By The Mad GM (original post)
When eating at the restaurant, one of the PCs is handed a menu in an undecipherable and possibly alien or arcane language. It is immediately swapped out by the embarrassed, frightened waitress. No one on the staff ever mentions it again.
Or, the pages of the menu change subtly (or perhaps not so subtly) when you page back and forth. You can never find the drink list or the list of salad dressings until the waitress points them out, and even then they change when you go back to reference them. You order an entree, and the waitress says they don't serve it, and when you point it out in the menu it is something different. The only constant is the Soup of the Day.
Out of the corner of your eye, the text reads 'human' but reads 'hunan' when you look closer. The photos look horrific as the pages open, but when you look directly at them, they appear normal, though vaguely unappetizing for no particular reason.
Other tables seem to be served by a different menu entirely. Not better, necessarily, but different (Italian versus Mexican).
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