Strange Times
By Blue (original post)
A complimentary copy of the Strange Times newspaper is slid under your door every morning you stay in the hotel. It features articles on insane people – you know… murders in the park, suburban housewives who flip out at the supermarket, etc. The more you read it, the more claustrophobic the hotel feels and the more you feel like you're being watched, as if the insanity of the paper is rubbing off on you. What's more, you can never get a glimpse of the delivery man, and the circulation department (whose number appears on the paper) has only a very old sounding recording, telling you how to become a “Permanent Addition” to the paper. If asked, the bellhop has never heard of the paper. But the 70 year old janitor tells you he remembers the paper and that Strange Times went out of print in 1974.
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