Psychic Room Service
By Susano (original post; more here, here, here, and here)
The PCs are in their room(s). The phone rings, a PC picks it up and the voice on the other end says “Room service, how can I help you?” Rather innocent yes, except the PCs were just discussing ordering food, getting a cab, getting clothes laundered, or whatever but hadn't actually called anyone yet. If asked, room service will give a name, but later on, no one who the PCs meet will know who that person is. However, this person will often call, right before the PCs need to get something done – and whatever they order will appear. Whatever. It is recommended the PCs don't make any joke requests….
Perhaps these requests start to have odd repercussions. So if someone asks for a car to be waiting for them – a car is reported stolen elsewhere. If they ask for information, people connected to the answer end up dead…. So the PCs per se aren't doing these evil deeds, but are they the ones putting them in motion?
Oh… another possibility, things asked for start to show up… damaged. Like splattered with blood. And the room service girl (always the same one in this case) doesn't seem to notice.
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