The Prophetic Bellboy
By CBikle (original post)
Sam, a very old bellman who has worked at the hotel since it was built. Very slow, infirm, a little senile and seems to struggle with the luggage he's carrying (he won't accept help). Sam doesn't make eye contact with anyone and seems to mumble unintelligibly as he slowly walks.
Sam is dressed in the classic red bellman suit with cap. The uniform seems very worn and ill-fitting for Sam's lanky frame. Sam has a huge key ring with all the keys to all the doors in the hotel (about a 100 identical keys; all unnumbered), but always seems to get the right key for the door without even looking at the keys. One key in the ring has been broken off.
After dropping the bags off in the room and opening the curtains (to reveal a brick wall or intense neon sign), Sam will stand by the door with his palm out waiting for a tip. If the tip is placed in Sam's hand, Sam will grip the tipper's hand (in an unusually strong and intense grip),uncharacteristically make eye-contact with the tipper and say something vague and ominous like: “That poor girl is going to die. Die like all the rest. Someone has to stop this.” Sam will then seem to go back to his semi-senile state (hopefully this'll keep the PCs from badgering Sam for details).
Sam's mumbling could be:
- Bible verses
- Detailed passages of conversations he's overheard (this could be important later).
- Detailed passages of conversation that hasn't been said yet (one PC may experience Deja Vu when he later overhears conversation that is verbatim to what Sam was quietly mumbling a day ago.).
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