The Old Postman
By Dr. Anomaly (original post)
Though not actually a resident of the hotel, The Old Postman is a fixture of the place, stopping in each day to drop off the mail and to pick up the outgoing mail. He's well-known to the regulars and residents of the hotel, and always takes the time to have a cup of coffee and chat for a bit before moving on with his route. The oddity comes from the fact that he appears to be in his nineties, obviously well past retirement age, though he moves very spryly for someone of his apparent age. Also, he always dresses in the Post Office summer uniform – which includes shorts – no matter what season it is or what the weather is like, even when it's freezing cold or pouring rain.
Anyone checking around will see other postmen servicing the route that includes the hotel, though none of them ever stop at it…and The Old Postman is never seen servicing any place except the hotel.
No matter what the weather is like, The Old Postman always arrives at the same time each morning. Even if there's six-foot snow drifts that have the entire city shut down and the mail service paralyzed, he manages to make his rounds.
He even delivers mail on major holidays.
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