The Girl Of Your Dreams
By Lucius (original post)
AKA Deja Vu Girl
Definitely not classically beautiful; I see her as perhaps a more exotic beauty, but most likely a very ordinary but pleasant girl-next-door type. Someone who is compelling, but not for any easily explained reason.
Perhaps she works in the hotel, or as a waitress in a restaurant nearby.
When the player character first sees her, she looks hauntingly familiar. The same effect will be noticed when she speaks - the voice, a turn of phrase, seem to have been heard before.
If the character is psychic, has a PS: Psychology, or is otherwise the sort of person to pay attention to and remember their own dreams, they will recall having dreamed of her - but probably not until after the conversation. Otherwise, they will only remember the dream with an INT roll at a penalty.
After the first meeting the characters (or perhaps you will pick just one of the player characters) will dream of her and remember. Sometimes, the dreams will seem prophetic ; such as dreaming that she drops a tray of food at work, and then seeing it happen the next day. Some dreams seem very mundane, or the character wakes with a strange feeling “she was there in my dreams again.” Sometimes they are surreal and mysterious; she appears in a playboy bunny suit that morphs into a furry all-over easter bunny type costume, while insisting that the goldfish don't need to be salted.
If approached about the dreams, she may respond “I'm flattered that I seem to have made an impression.” But if the character insists that the dreams must be meaningful, or attempts to get closer to her or get to know her better, she will start to react badly, obviously thinking the player character is a nutcase who has somehow become fixated on her because of some bizzarre dreams he (or she) had. And, really, who can blame her?
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