The Cop On The Beat
By Basil (original post)
He doesn't live in the hotel, but everyone there knows Officer Jackson, errr Johnson, no wait, Johansson….
They recognize him, but no-one seems to be sure of his name. Anyway, he's been walking the beat on the street the hotel is on for years now, and always stops in to the coffee shop on the ground floor for a cup and a roll (not a doughnut, curiously) an hour or two after starting his rounds.
Also, he does a quick walk-through of the lobby a few times a day….
And night. Peculiarly, he seems to have both the day shift and the evening shift, though not the graveyard shift—-he's seen as early as 6 AM and as late as ~10PM, but not the rest of the time. Also, he's pretty irregular in his habits, but then a smart beat cop would vary his routine.
He's a bit overweight, a calm plodding sort, though he looks tough enough to handle himself.
So, other than seeming to work two shifts back-to-back, there's nothing unusual about Officer Jamieson—I mean Jefferson—
Except the police department went to prowl-car-only patrols in this part of the city about 15 years ago.
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