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Player Characters

This page will eventually have a list of links to each PC's page for their character.

Character Art

Potential Characters I'd like to play

Player: Barbara

Player: Timothy

Magical Inheritor

“All records of the various Houses and their Heritage are kept within a massive tome called the Annals of Heritage. Within these hallowed pages exists the names and lineages of every noble house since the beginning of the Kingdom. To be entered into the records is to secure your noble lineage, for ancient law and tradition states that noble blood cannot be removed by decree of a mortal soul. So even if a noble loses their land and title they are still to be treated with the honor due to those of noble heritage.”

Facinated by the idea of a house that lost their lands (during the plagues?) but has an ancient history stretching back to a pivotal mortal from the Scale Wars. Character would be an 18 year old who grew up with his father, an itinerant mercenary/adventurer. Father (and mother) made the trip when he was four to have him formally entered as his father's son in the great annals. Legally he is a noble. A penniless noble with no lands or hope, but a noble. Single inheritance is a magic sword that is bound to the head of the line. His father was killed, and he has inherited the sword, the title and vengeance. if there's points I'd like him an inheritor on the cusp of Ohanzet and Haislin. “On the Cusp of Time and Luck is Destiny”

Issue: Starts with a magical weapons, which deviates from setting

Impossible Apprentice

Classic archetype. Apprentice magic user who can do the impossible, but has a block that makes that unpredictable.

Proto-Vampyr Apprentice to the Blood Queen

She's still out there somewhere… And I think that biased story could be reinterpreted with the BQ as the (ruthless) good guy.


Rogue of a Feline race; small agile hyperactive semi-anthropomorphic catlike race. Social but not physical dimorphism. Issue: Creating a race around the character


Farmer of an enormous warrior race, forced to [whatever PCs do] Issue: Creating a race

Magical Cat

Possibly with human familiar?


this one is a little far out.

Player: Andrew

Worshipper of the gods of death and decay. Not actually evil (Lawful Neutral in D&D terms), but very morbid. Perhaps a little upbeat morbid, like Abby from NCIS. More likely just morbid. Basically grew up from early childhood in a morgue.

Player: Victor

Player: Matthew

  1. A traveller who has for millenia sought the place wherein the millions of his people stored within his body against the ravages of a Great Enemy - to aid the concealment of which the character was magically changed to be nearly untrackable - can be safely awakened. Too much time has caused disillusionment in the prophecy ever coming true and he is beginning to despair and wandering without great hope; although this need to believe can be awakened and even used against him.
  2. A warrior destined to stand one day against a force and die, but if he chooses well will save those he is protecting.
  3. The youngest son of a noble fled from the enforced enrolment in the monastery. He chose the streets but is now regretting that choice as hunger sets in and he seeks protection and food…
  4. A clockwork boy/golem fleeing his creator as well as those who would destroy him as an abomination.

Player: Michael


An example of something to put in the character page would be- “I've always wanted to play an upper class centaur who was politically betrayed, losing everything and having to live on the streets where over the last 20 years he's learnt to survive in a big city and is now a gang leader”.

Which gives a good lot of potential plot hooks to work with (ie the character's parents, the gang, what skills they may have picked up and their legality). It's better to not use classes - Fantasy Hero does not use them, so there is no point in saying “warrior, rogue, mage, bard” etc. Unless it is an occupation. In FH, you have character with more combat skills or more magic skills, or more singing skills etc.

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roleplaying/hero/tba/characters/start.txt · Last modified: 2009/09/11 01:03 by