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Table 539 - Enslaved

Being enslaved lasts for 1D6 years. Roll on Table 539 - Enslaved a total of 1D3 times. Once you figure out the events that occurred during your slavery, return to the table that sent you here.

Roll on Tables 1, 2, 3 and 10 to determine details about the characters owner. Roll 1D6 on a result of 1-3 the owner is female, otherwise it is male.

Unless otherwise specified the characters Social Status changes to Libertine/Comfortable. If the character escaped then their Social Status changes to Escaped Slave/Destitute with a Social Mod of -10.

Roll Event
1 The character escaped. Roll on the table below.
1 A reward is offered for 1D10x100 Denari
2 1D6 slaves accompany the character
3 The government offers 1D10x10 Denari for escaped slaves
4 A relative of the owner aided the escape. Roll on Table 753 - Relatives to determine who it was.
5 The character was forced to kill the owner during the escape and is now hunted by the authorities.
6 The character stole an item of value during the escape. The owner desperately wants it back. Roll on Table 863 - Gifts & Legacies to determine what the item is.
7 The owner (or spouse if appropriate) falls in love with the character and aids their escape.
8 Roll 1D2+1 times on this table and combine the results.
2 The character owner decides to free the character. Roll on the table below.
1 Near the end of the characters enslavement, the character and the owner become friends. The owner can no longer bear to keep his friend as a slave and thus frees the character. Roll on the table below.
1-4 The owner becomes a good friend
5-7 The owner becomes the characters patron. Roll on Table 543 - In the Service Of…
8 The owner becomes a companion
2 The owner converts to a religion that abhors slavery and frees all of their slaves. Each slave receives 2D10 Denari.
3-4 The character is reunited with his or her relatives.
5 The owner dies and his or her will specifies that all slaves are to be freed and that his or her estates are to be divided among them. There are 2D10 additional slaves that will share this estate with the character.
6-7 Unable to find work in his or her profession the character joins the military. Go to Table 12 immediately.
8 Another slave remains with the character as a companion.
9 The character save's the owners life. Out of gratitude the character is freed and is given a gift. Roll on Table 863 - Gifts & Legacies to determine what the item is.
10 Reroll 1D3 times on this table and ignore and do not Reroll any duplicates.
3 The ruler of the land declares slavery illegal. Each slave is freed and given 1D100 Denari.
4 Through careful saving the character is able to buy his freedom. He remains employed by the previous owner for 1D4 years.
5 Owner dies. Roll on the table below.
1 Character is sold to a new owner. Reroll owner traits to determine the specifics of the new owner.
2 Character is freed. Determine reason as if you had rolled a result of 2 on Table 539
3 The owner dies and his will states that all of his possessions (including slaves) are to be buried with him. The characters escapes as if he had rolled a 1 on Table 539
4 Ownership of all slaves passes on to a relative of the owner. Roll on Table 753 - Relatives to determine who that is.
5 The character is accused of killing the owner. Roll on Table 545 - Death Situations to determine the cause of death. The character escapes but is now hunted by the authorities.
6 The owners will frees the character and names the character as his or her heir. The character assumes control of the owner's possessions, lands, wealth and other slaves. Roll 1D10, on a result of 5-10 the owners family seeks to have the will voided and the character enslaved again.
6-7 The character improves his occupational skill set by 1 level
8 The character improves his occupational skill set by 1D3+1 levels
9 Character is often severely beaten by the owner
10 Character learns another occupation. Roll on Table 10 to determine the nature of the new occupation
11 The character is the owner's sexual plaything (regardless of gender). Gain Prostitute Skill Package
12 Character participates in a slave revolt. Roll 1D6, on a result of 6 the character is leading the revolt. Roll 1D6 again, if the result is a 4-6 the revolt is successful, otherwise it fails. Roll1D6 a third time, if the result is a 6, the characters owner was killed. If the revolt was successful, the character gains 1D6 companions (roll on Table 761C - Companions - What Kind of Guy?), if the revolt failed then the character is tortured and gains a serious injury (roll on Table 870 - Serious Wounds).
13 Character is promoted to a position of authority. Gain Overseer Skill Package.
14 The character is the owner's favorite. He becomes the senior slave. Gain Overseer Skill Package. Several slaves become jealous and one becomes a rival. Roll on Table 762 - Rivals to determine specifics.
15 If older than 13 the character is used as breeding stock (otherwise roll over). If male the character sires 1D10 children each year of enslavement. If female the character gives birth to 1 child for each year of enslavement.
16 Character is resold 1D3 times during enslavement. Roll the specifics of each new owner.
17 Character is branded. Roll 1D6, on a result of 6 the brand is very obviously a slave brand; otherwise it can be mistaken as a blemish without a close inspection. Roll on Table 867 - Body Locations to determine where the brand is.
18 The character's escape attempt fails and the character is branded as result #17 above. Roll 1D6, on a result of 6 the character is beaten and tortured enough to get a serious injury. Roll on Table 870 - Serious Wounds to determine the specifics.
19-20 Add 1D4 additional years to the term of enslavement and roll an additional 1D3 events on Table 539, be sure to add 1 to each of the new rolls.
21 An exotic event occurs resulting in the freeing of the character. Roll on Table 544 - Exotic Events to determine the specifics.

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roleplaying/hero/kamarathin/table_539_-_enslaved.txt · Last modified: 2006/09/18 19:42 by