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Unity Dray


Rev: I wouldn't presume to speak for the Divine, but do watch out for unexploded munitions, anti-personnel nanobots, automated attack drones… Rev: Hmmmm. Mercy is it's own reward. Rev: The universe does not always provide what you ask for. The universe provides what you need. Rev: Another of the universe's little jokes. At our expense. Rev: Eternal life grant unto her, and may perpetual light shine upon her. Rev: Violence begets violence. Rev: Harper, I advise you. Consider carefully this path that you would choose. The place to which it leads is very dark. Rev: Fiat Lux. {translation: Let there be light.} Rev: It is written: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Rev: When the Divine opens a Way, who are we to question? Rev: With guidance, they can overcome their enemies from within. Rev: Very well. But you did go one hour without killing me. And if you can go an hour, maybe you could go a day. Then a week. Then maybe - just maybe, a lifetime. Rev: Divine Spirit, forgive these children. Rev: No transgression is unforgivable, except pride. Rev: Do I not destroy my enemy by making him my friend? Rev: So beautiful, and yet, so fragile. It's a heavy burden that Providence has laid upon you. Rev: While I admit the Universe does have a sense of humor, I doubt very much this is a joke. Rev: Dylan, fate brought you to this battle. Destiny demands your actions. I know, this is not easy for you, but perhaps you are merely a tool of Divine Will. Rev: Ever since my time on the Magog world ship I've felt lost, confused. I don't have answers but it's time I started asking the questions wherever they might lead. Until I see you all again - know this, wherever my path may lead even in the darkest places I will carry you all in my heart and you will light my way always. Rev: Hmmph. I'm afraid eternal life remains a secret of the Divine. Rev: May her tortured soul find eternal peace. Rev: Many of the Divine's gifts are like that. They're always there, but we don't appreciate them until we need them. Rev: I believe anything that can love has a soul. Have you ever felt love? Rev: Then, perhaps, that's what tears are for. Rev: May the Divine help us. Rev: I am a Wayist. And I will not allow you to take this ship. Rev: I follow the teachings of the Annointed. The way of peace. The way of cooperation. Rev: I do not condone violence. But I will defend my friends. Rev: My name is Brother Behemial Far-Traveler. I am a Wayist of the Sacred Order. Rev: We have no culture. We have no history. Rev: I have seen the face of the Divine! I see it every day in the universe GÇô in all the Divine's creations. Rev: All things are created by the Divine! Rev: May your next year bring you wisdom and kindness. Rev: There's a very fine line between gleaning and pillaging. I believe one draws that line with a laser saw. Rev: The face of the Divine. Rev: The Andromeda Galaxy. If the universe is a manifestation of the Divine, could not the slipstream be the very mind of God? Rev: Divine compassion is stronger medicine than you know. I *will* go pray for her. Rev: I have always believed the Divine loves us best at the broken times. Rev: I didn't realize this basketball“ was so violent. Perhaps there is a more productive way to express your disappointment.” Rev: You need the one thing that all your knowledge cannot provide. Wisdom. Rev: Let go, Harper. Let go. Give over to the Divine all that you are, all that you have, including your pain. Calm your breath. Repeat. My pain belongs to the Divine. It is like air. It is like water. Rev: Good. Again. Rev: Then I must confess. I am a little light-headed. I have been fasting GÇô a ritual purification for those I so viciously killed. Rev: I had intended on breaking my fast when we returned to the Andromeda, but apparently it is the Divine's will that that is not to happen. Rev: I realize we are all fallen angels, but twice in one day? Rev: I'll keep you in my prayers. Rev: By Divine grace, I touch the shadow and reveal the light. I am the darkness become light. I am the darkness become truth. I am the darkness become the Way. Rev: Do not underestimate the power of faith. Every night before I sleep, and every morning when I wake, I pray. I pray for strength GÇô strength to rise above the instincts that compel me to kill all living things GÇô to make them my food, or the hosts for my progeny. Faith, Dylan, is the only reason anyone here is still alive. My faith. Rev: What I am asking is: Stay thy hand and trust in the Divine. Rev: Walk in the light, child of the Divine. {to Arun} This is not for your eyes to see. Rev: We saved paradise by introducing the serpent. Rev: Strange, isn't it? How something as beautiful as a star could give birth to such ugliness. Rev: …a miracle? Why not? To call a thing a miracle is just another way of saying it's highly improbable. Rev: I ask nothing of the Divine. I am simply emptying my mind that I might hear more clearly. Rev: There is no fear in the Divine's embrace, Tyr. There is only peace. I can help you find that if you like. ;—-“ CategoryMetascape

roleplaying/campaign/unitydray.txt · Last modified: 2013/03/13 00:32 by