Table of Contents
Morituri Nolumus Mori
My incredibly detailed swordfighting rules. Apologies to Terry Pratchett for stealing his Latin phrase “we who are about to die don't want to”. These rules are about as realistic as I can get them and still be playable. They're meant to be a replacement for whatever roleplaying game you're using so you'll need to adapt them to whatever abstractions are used in your system
This game is a sequel to Skirmish which was just a medieval version of Lunch Money
Inspired by
- The Ancient Arts Fellowship re-enactment group
- Rudis by Ian Beck (armoured locations, flow of weapon swings and hit locations
- Riddle of Steel by Jacob Norwood (weapons and hit location damabe)
- Blood & Steel by Bryan Nystul (weapons and cards)
- Phoenix Command by David McKenzie (weapon speeds, hit locations and trauma)
- Incursion by Richard Tucholka (hit locations)
- Morituri Te Salutant by Bill Lucas (simultaneous movement)
How are these rules different?
- Fatigue
Combat is tiring - holding up a shield for extended periods and swinging a sword is tiring. That and general exhaustion haven't been adequately factored into combat. - Limb damage
Most of the rules above have skill levels for combatants - they generally don't take into account how taking wounds (and fatigue) really lowers your skill levels - you just can't parry the same if it hurts to do so (adrenaline will only cover so much). Not to mention bloodloss… - Less numbers
There's far too much number crunching in all the detailed rules when some properly designed play aids would work wonders - Status sheet
One sheet to represent you - covers tiredness and damage to your body. Think Battletech - but with more detail than using hit points/dots - Cards
Build a deck of moves based on skill level. Plus a deck for hit locations to simulate the flow weapon swings.
- mnmWeapons - the kinds of damage they inflict, how they are wielded and their speeds
- mnmShields - the kinds of damage they prevent, how they are wielded and their speeds
- mnmStances - how it effects reach and areas defendable
- mnmMoves - getting around the battlefield
- mnmStrikes - how they effect hit locations and where you can strike next
- mnmDamage - how it decreases combat ability
- mnmPlayAids - consolidated downloads
If you have ideas or disagree with some rule - let me know. I'm on curufea at yahoo dot com
games/wargame/warmnm.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/20 16:21 by