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Doctor Who Miniatures Game

Various utilities and information for the free wargame by Crooked Dice

Points Cost

The game does not include points costs for figures, as it is scenario based and these scenarios have been heavily playtested for balance. That being said, a number of players have expressed a wish to have point costs as guidelines for creating their own scenarios. To this end I believe that the scenarios can be broken down into formulas and the ratios for the forces involved worked out, and therefore their point costs.

Scenario Formulas

Main Rulebook (2nd Edition)
  • Defend Snowcap Base!
    • (Doctor + 2 Companions + Brigadier + Scientist + 10 UNIT soldiers + 2 UNIT soldier Sergeants ) * Defended Base = (12 CyberMondasian Cybermen + 12 CyberMondasian Cybermen Reserves) * Weather Effects — Thanks sthielt
  • A Tangled Web
    • Doctor + Companion + Brigadier + 6 UNIT soldiers + Professor Travers = (4 Yeti + Territory Denial Weapons + Traitor) * Terrain
  • Locate Swarm Leader!
    • Doctor + Companion + Brigadier + 8 UNIT soldiers (Rifles and SMGs) = 6 Autons
  • The Sontaran Experiment
    • Doctor + 2 Companions + 4 Unarmed Security Guard Reserves (with Slow) + Found Weapons = Sontaran Field Agent + Servitor Robot armed only with Capture Cables + Random Torture of Unarmed Security Guard Reserves
  • Mission: Expendable
    • 10 Security Guards armed with SMGs + 1 Security Guards armed with SMG, Morale 8 and Leader (2) + 1 Security Guards armed with SMG and Leader (1) + 6 ammunitions of grenades of Movellan Virus = Black Dalek + Patrol Leader Dalek + 2 Dalek Troopers + Random Reinforcements + Security Guard Routing
  • For Whom the Diving Bell Tolls
    • Doctor + 2 Companions + 9 UNIT troopers with Rifles or SMGs + Sergeant Benton + UNIT Sergeant + Defended Base = Master + 8 Sea Devils + 2 Sea Devil Sub-commanders with Leader (1) + 10 Body Armour ability
Bad Wolf
  • The Autons Have Landed
    • (Doctor (9) + Rose) * Terrain = 6 Autons
games/wargame/wardoctorwho.txt · Last modified: 2013/07/04 16:55 by