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games:card:joustknight [2013/03/13 00:57] (current) – created - external edit
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 +======Knight Cards======
 +{{parent page=Joust}}
 +<table border=2">"
 +<tr><td>Knight</td><td>Parry</td><td>Attempt to knock aside opponent's lance with your own.</td><td>Range of 1 to  3, If opponent's aim is orthogonally adjacent or on top of yours, move both aims one square orthogonally.</td><td> if not, move your aim 1 towards opponent's (may be diagonal).</td></tr>
 +<tr><td>Knight</td><td>Set Lance</td><td>Couch your lance and steady your aim</td><td>+1 Impact</td><td>You may no longer move your aim</td></tr>
 +<tr><td>Knight</td><td>Lean</td><td>Lean to one side to avoid blows</td><td>Choose left or right, -1 Impact to opponent if aiming at that side</td><td>+1 Impact if different, does not affect head hits.</td></tr>
 +<tr><td>Knight</td><td>Rise</td><td>Move into the impact</td><td>+1 Impact</td><td>-1 Balance, cancels Sit Forward</td></tr>
 +<tr><td>Knight</td><td>Sit Forward</td><td>Steady your seat</td><td>+1 Balance</td><td>cancels Rise</td></tr>
 +<tr><td>Knight</td><td>Move Shield</td><td>Adjust your shield</td><td>Choose Up, Down, Inward or Outward</td><td></td></tr>
 +<tr><td>Knight</td><td>Brace Shield</td><td>Steady your shield</td><td>+1 Balance</td><td>You may no longer play the Move Shield card</td></tr>
 +<tr><td>Knight</td><td>Steady</td><td>Stay as you are</td><td>No effect</td><td></td></tr>
 +<tr><td>Knight</td><td>Steady</td><td>Stay as you are</td><td>No effect</td><td></td></tr>
 +====Card Details====
 +The parry only occurs in the phase of the turn where Knight Cards are resolved.  This phase is AFTER the Horse Card resolution and the Aim Card resolution phases.  A knight may well have moved to impact the other knight before the Parry card can take effect.  Parry cards are range 1-3 and do not function at range 0 or less.
 +**If your aim is**:
 +  *  __next to__ your opponent's aim, move your aim into that square and move your opponent's aim into the next square adjacent to it.
 +  *  __in the same square__ as your opponent's, move your opponent's aim one square in any direction, and move your own aim one square in the opposite direction.
 +  *  __not adjacent__ to your opponent's aim, move your aim one square towards your opponent's aim. If this would be diagonal, move diagonal.  If there is a choice of squares, opponent chooses.
 +**Hitting the outside of the hit location table**
 +If an aim counter needs to be moved outside the hit location table, move it as follows instead :-
 +  * A1, A5, D1, D5 - Stay
 +  * A2, A3, D2,D3 - Move left
 +  * A4, D4 - Move right
 +  * B1, B4 - Move up
 +  * C1, C4 - Move down
 +{{gallery showalbum=JoustKnight"}}"
games/card/joustknight.txt · Last modified: 2013/03/13 00:57 by