parent_page_gamescard “ Gloom, while fun, suffers from three major drawbacks-
- The rules on the cards are sometime ambiguous.
- The writing on the card is sometimes too small and illegible.
- The hidden information is sometimes visible through the card.
So, I'm thinking of making my own non-plastic non-transparent versions of the cards with larger font and less ambiguous text. Note, I own the first printing of the game, I understand the second printing has more legible writing. As an owner, I will be making this set for my own use only. The following pages are not open to the general public as it would be a breach of copyright. They are for my own personal use only, while I create my own cardset.
- GloomFamilies
- GloomUnwelcomeGuests
- GloomResidences
- GloomMysteries
- GloomEvents
- GloomUntimelyDeaths
- GloomModifiers
Images are from Boardgame Geek
games/card/gloom.txt · Last modified: 2013/03/13 00:56 by