Dragon Cards
Card Description
- Image of the dragon
- Front arc for the breath weapon of the dragon. The arcs (left side, front and right side) aren't shown if the dragon does not have a breath weapon
- Head of the dragon - used for measuring breath weapon line of fire
- Line used to align the card in the manoeuvre deck (place the arrow at the bottom of the card on top of the arrow in the manoeuvre card)
- Manoeuvre deck to be used for the dragon (A to K)
- Armament for the dragon. If there is a number, this represents rifleman units. Letters represent-
- A - Acid Spitter
- D - Divine Wind
- F - Fire Breather
- s - Spiked Spine
- T - Tail Weapon
- V - Venomous
- W - Water Spitter.
- Hit points. If this reaches 0, the dragon is dead.
- Special abilities
- H - Hovering
- N - Night Vision
- S - Speedy
- Dragon breed
- Name of an individual this card represents
- National flag
games/card/dragoncards.txt · Last modified: 2013/03/19 18:21 by