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Shapeshifting wizards duel to the death, fight over magical artifacts or seek certain objectives.
Unknown, estimate about an hour for a game
Play Aids
Every player starts with one Wizard. Each wizard is a Human with a pool of 50 Mana. Mana is used to cast spells, change shape, and activate special abilities of the shape the wizard is currently using. Mana can only be recovered in Human form, once per turn.
Choose a scenario, place Wizards and any artifacts according to the scenario.
Turn Order
Players take turns to move and attack in order of agility (AGI). The highest agility moves first. If more than one player has the same agility, order is then based on size. The smallest creatures move and attack first. If still equal, determine randomly who moves first. Scenarios will specify which player moves first in the first turn of the game.
A Player's Turn
During your turn they may do the following -
- move up to you current shape's speed. If it isn't obvious which method of transport your shape is using, you must declare it. You cannot use more than one mode of transport per turn -ie if you use land speed (LS) to move into water, you cannot start s
- cast one spell of a level equal to, or less than your shape's intelligence (INT).
- use one special ability of the shape You are in. You may not use both If a shape has two abilities (ie a Human can either rest, or it can pick up an object with its hands)
- make one hand to hand attack. Note that some special abilities are attacks themselves, and are in addition to the allowable HTH attack (ie a Dragon can Breathe, and then make a normal HTH attack. it cannot include the Bite special with this HTH attack as it has already used a Breathe)
Any shape can cast spells. The spells available to the player to cast are dependant on the intelligence (INT) of the shape. The cost of casting a spell is paid once and is based on the level of the spell. For example - A level 4 spell can only be cast by creatures with an intelligence of 4 and it costs 4 magic points to cast. Spell List
Changing shape
It takes time to change from one shape to another shape. If the shapes are next to each other on the chart, it takes 1 turn and you don't spend any intervening time as an Amorphous Blob. For every square (or cell) inbetween your current shape and your target shape (whether or not that cell contains a shape, or is empty), it takes an extra turn to change, and you spend those turns as an Amorphous Blob. Note: Amorphous Blobs do not cost mana to maintain, you cannot gain mana while a Blob and you cannot remain a Blob - it is only ever a transitional phase.
A shape is deemed as next to another shape if it shares an edge, not if it just shares a corner.
Name | Size | Class | INT | LS | WS | AS | ARM | AGI | ATT | HLT | CST |
Amorphous Blob | Large | Blob | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 0 |
Once you achieve the shape you want, you must immediately pay the maintenance cost for the new shape. Procedure to change shape:-
- Declare you are changing shape
- Place a Target Shape“ counter on the chart
- Replace your Current Shape” counter with an “Amorphous Blob” counter“
- Move the Amorphous Blob” counter one square closer to the “Target Shape” each turn“
- Once it is in the same square, replace both counters with a Current Shape” counter for your wizard.“
Note: The Amorphus Blob shape does not have hands. Anything you were holding is immediately dropped when you change shapes.
Maintaining a shape
Every turn, beginning with the first turn you are in a shape other than Human, you must pay Mana to maintain the shape. If you do not have sufficient Mana to afford this - you immediately become an Amorphous Blob and begin changing back to Human.
- Optional Rule: Specialization
- A wizard can belong to one of four magic schools - Mammalian, Reptilian, Fantastical or Aquatic. All maintenance costs for their chosen school of shapes have their cost reduced by 1 point, to a minimum of 1. The three other schools have their costs in
Shape List - table of all shapes that can be morphed into, also see the Chart.
Terrain effects combat and number of facing changes depending on the class of creature. Summary of the effects can be found in the Terrain Table
Also see the Map
To hit Roll = 2D6 + Attacks - Target's Agility + facing modifiers
A roll of 7 or more is a hit. Every point over 7 does one additional damage.
Damage = Attacks - Target's Armour + additional damage.
AttackTable - Tables with all numbers on them.
Facing Modifiers
It is easier to attack the flanks and rear of an opponent.
Flank attack = +1 to hit
Rear attack = +2 to hit
Facing is important. You may make a number of facing changes according to your size and the terrain modifier.
- Small creatures may make 5 facing changes throughout their move
- Medium creatures may make 4
- Large creatures make 3
- Very Large creatures may make 2
- Huge creatures may may 1
So a Human on the Plains may make 3 facing changes in their move (2 for large, 1 for plain being a favoured terrain for mammals).
You can only move forward at full speed.
You can move backward at half speed (rounded down).
You can only move into HTH combat if they are within Line of Sight at the beginning of your move. Some terrain types, such as the forest, block line of sight. There must be at least one hex between you and the target for it to block line of sight. You can still move next to an opponent, but you cannot initiate HTH combat that turn - unless you have the special power of Charge or Track, or if you are flying. The hex you or the target are in cannot block line of sight, only intervening hexes (ie you can see people at the edges of forests).
You can of course use a special power after getting within range - even if you did not start the turn within Line of Sight. For example - a Dragon can enter a forest, and still Breathe on any opponent it finds in there.
Unless otherwise stated by the player, any creature with a non-zero Air Speed is assumed to be always flying. Flying creatures can only be attacked by Huge creatures, by other flying creatures, or with Web, Flame or Breathe special attacks. A flying creature may also be attacked if it attacked you in the previous turn (it must move to HTH range to attack).
A flying creature takes 4 damage if it does not land first (by saying it is landed) before changing shape. So if you have Mana, it costs an additional 4 to recover that damage when changing shape while in flight - unless that 4 damage would kill you. If you don't have the Mana, you automatically start reverting back to Human.
- Optional Rule: Flying High
- A flying creature can declare it is flying high. It takes one turn of movement with no attacks on ground targets to obtain the altitude of high” and it takes another turn after declaring it is flying low, to return to normal height. While a creature i
- Dueling Wizards - Two age old rivals meet for a final showdown
- Wizard War - Rival kingdoms at war send their court mages to take care of the competition before invasion.
- The Key of Soloman - An artifact of power has been unearthed, the magical emanations in the ether have attracted treasure seeking wizards.
Temporary file storage of work in progress - for anyone wanting to look at the numbers and things.
[n/a: Access denied]