Event Cards
Event cards are drawn at Special spaces and at Home Bases. Event cards may be kept in a players hand and played at any time in their turn or in someone else's turn.
Card Name (Number of cards in deck) - Description
Extension (5) - The board just got tougher, extend every connector by 6 hexes if it is currently less than 29 hexes in size.
Negation (10) - Stop any one event card from having an effect when played.
Wave of Badness (1) - Increase the level of every (non-level 6) Bad space by one. If a space becomes level 6 - you may choose which Bad Special it becomes.
Wave of Goodness (1) - Increase the level of every (non-level 6) Good space by one. If a space becomes level 6 - you may choose which Good Special it becomes.
Badness (10) - Increase the level of one (non-level 6) Bad space by one, anywhere on the board.
Goodness (10) - Increase the level of one (non-level 6) Good space by one, anywhere on the board.
Teleport (10) - Swap any Villain character with the Hero character of the same player.
Weak Monsters (5) - Next Encounter card drawn will be from a deck one level lower (lowest being the E).
Strong Monsters (5) - Next Encounter card drawn will be from a deck one level higher (highest being the H).
Topple the New God (1) - Only playable if there is a Hero in play that has higher stats in all areas (except Special stats) than every other Hero and Villain. That Hero is now the Protector of the World. Villains may now combine attacks in the same manner as Heroes in order to defeat the Protector. Move the Protector back to its Home Base - if the Protector manages to move through (or land on) every other Home Base in the game without being defeated, they win. If they are defeated, they are no longer the Protector.
Defeat the Supervillain (1) - Only playable if there is a Villain in play that has higher stats in all areas (except Special stats) than every other Hero and Villain. That Villain is now the Supervillain. Heroes may now flee in the same manner as Villains when facing the Supervillain. Move the Supervillain back to its Home Base - if the Supervillain manages to move through (or land on) every other Home Base in the game without being defeated, they win. If they are defeated, they are no longer the Supervillain.
Oracle (3) - All players must immediately discard all Prophecy cards.
Quagmire (3) - All Heroes and Villains in Bad spaces must immediately discard all item cards that modify movement (ie Boots and Horses).
Siren Call (3) - All Heroes and Villains immediately return to their Home Bases.
Bad Omens (3) - All players must immediately discard all Event cards.
Steal (10) - Playable only by your Villain. Take one item in play from one Hero located in your space or adjacent.