Encounter Cards
Encounter cards are drawn at Encounter spaces when a piece lands on them. Encounters occur immediately and the Hero or Villain that lands on them must fight the encounter.
- Villains may choose to flee combat before the card is drawn. Roll a D6. On a 5 or 6, the Villain retreats immediately to their home base, otherwise the fight continues as normal.
- Heroes may choose to call on others for help. Any Hero on the same Connector with them may choose to help in the combat.
- Heroes must honour any deals made to determine who helps whom.
- Heroes that choose to help are immediately moved to the same space as the initial Hero. All statistics are added together for the encounter. If the combat is still lost, all Heroes suffer the same damage equally.
Cards for E Encounters
Default low level encounters with no special attacks.
Card Name (Number of cards in deck) - Description
Cards for F Encounters
Low level encounters with occasional item destruction or attack on a Special stat. May affect the board.
Card Name (Number of cards in deck) - Description
Cards for G Encounters
Mid level encounters with more frequent item and Special stat attacks, occasionally more than one stat. May affect the board.
Card Name (Number of cards in deck) - Description
Cards for H Encounters
High level encounters where more than one stat is attacked. Including Special and item attacks. Will affect the board.
Card Name (Number of cards in deck) - Description